On Thursday 29 July 2004 10:03, Greg Folkert wrote:
> Please let me be the first to say sorry for no responses. I tend to help
> those that help themselves or the one that have demonstrated at least
> some persistence.
> And, don't think that I haven't gone through the same here. I was really
> frustrated with an ADS/WindowsNT/2K/2K3/Samba/Applications Server/shell
> access/e-mail setup recently... I'd have thank nobody for replying as
> well on 2 separate events.
> BUT, to go back to your stuff, The stuff I listed is what I need to
> continue to help you, and maybe others will share the secrets they have
> found.

Greg makes a good point here.

Over the years many people have contributed to answering questions on this 
list. Mostly the same questions come up repetitively. It takes a huge time 
commitment to answer the requests that are made. Those of us who help out do 
it for love and for a desire to help others.

A major effort has been made over the past 12 months to improve Samba 
documentation. The product of that is a vastly updated Samba-HOWTO-Collection 
that has been published as "The Official Samba-3 HOWTO and Reference Guide", 
as well as the Samba-Guide that has been published as "Samba-3 by Example".

Both books are available from Amazon.Com, or can be freely downloaded from:

The Samba-HOWTO-Collection documents the nuts and bolts of how  to use 
particular features built into Samba. This is principally a technical 
reference document. The solutions it contains for the most part cover only 
part of a total solution.

The Samba-Guide documents complete network solutions. Each chapter documents a 
networking problem, discusses vital aspects of the proposed solution and then 
provides a prescriptive guide that begins with a freshly installed Linux 
system and then takes the installer through every minute step to deliver a 
fully working solution. This book covers the spectrum from small to very 
large networks.

Both books are part of the official Samba documentation project. This means 
that if you find deficiencies and contribute your solutions or fixes they can 
be incorporated so that the next user does not have to go through the same 
pain and agony you did.

Where people demonstrate that they have done their homework, have read the 
documentation we provide, and still have a problem I will break ice to help 
them - particularly if in return they will provide an update to either book.

Please be mindful when asking for help that by explaining your problem on this 
list your goal should be to help some else by way of having your problem 
solved. This is after all a community help list.

I welcome direct, personal, email that points me to information in the above 
books that is either missing, in error, or mis-guided. We want to improve the 
documentation so it will help everyone. All contributions by way of patches 
to the documentation will be given attribution in the book.

- John T.
John H Terpstra
Samba-Team Member

The Official Samba-3 HOWTO & Reference Guide, ISBN: 0131453556
Samba-3 by Example, ISBN: 0131472216
Hardening Linux, ISBN: 0072254971
OpenLDAP by Example, ISBN: 0131488732
Other books in production.
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