If you look at your group mapping list, you have duplicates for Domain Users and Domain Admins. Delete these mappings with the net groupmap command (you may have to delete each twice) and then re-add them. The SIDs should be the -5xx ones, not -1219 or -3005

Conrad Wood wrote:


I have recently upgaded from samba 2.2 to samba 3.0.
I used to have "domain admin group = @winadmin" in my smb.conf,
but I understand from the documentation that it is deprecated
in favour of "net groupmap set "Domain Admin" winadmin".

I would expect unix users who are members of the
unix group winadmin to become Domain Admins, then,
but they don't ?.

Do I understand this correctly that unix users
that are a member of the unix group winadmin
then will be "advertised" as being a member of
the NT Group "Domain Admins" to windows machines?
The windows box applies whatever permissions the
"Domain Admins" have for this box, by default "Administrator"?

My server is a debian gnu/linux box in a test environment.
My windows machine(s) are run within vmware, windows XP and 2k.


************************* snip **************
on the server the groupmapping is as follows:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# net groupmap list
System Operators (S-1-5-32-549) -> -1
Replicators (S-1-5-32-552) -> -1
Guests (S-1-5-32-546) -> -1
Domain Users (S-1-5-21-520677601-194623159-390525435-513) -> cnw
Domain Admins (S-1-5-21-520677601-194623159-390525435-1219) -> winadmin
Domain Users (S-1-5-21-520677601-194623159-390525435-3005) -> cnw
Power Users (S-1-5-32-547) -> -1
Print Operators (S-1-5-32-550) -> -1
Administrators (S-1-5-32-544) -> winadmin
Account Operators (S-1-5-32-548) -> -1
Domain Guests (S-1-5-21-520677601-194623159-390525435-514) -> -1
Domain Admins (S-1-5-21-520677601-194623159-390525435-512) -> winadmin
Backup Operators (S-1-5-32-551) -> -1
Users (S-1-5-32-545) -> winadmin

On windows it seems to accept that ish:
(intented to copy and paste from a msdos box but failed miserably
so here's the written out extract ;) )
c:\>net user cnw /DOMAIN
.... blurb....
Local Group Memberships   *dialout                 <- WTF???
Global Group memberships   *Domain Users *Domain Admins
The command completed sucessfully.


Doesn't above mean I should be administrator (when logged in
as cnw)? (And before you ask, cnw *is* a member of winadmin ;) )
However, if I try to open the TCP/IP properties windows tells me
that I do not have access...

I am new to samba 3.0 and so far only read the publicly available
documentation, so I would like to double check whether I understand
this correctly.

Thank you,


Paul Gienger Office: 701-281-1884
Applied Engineering Inc. Information Systems Consultant Fax: 701-281-1322
URL: www.ae-solutions.com mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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