Samba Team,
                I would first like to thank you all for volunteering your

        I am currently running Samba version 2.2.8a on a SUN server using
Solaris 2.9. I have read all the man pages, checked all the old archived
postings, and check three books on Samba but still can't find the answer. My
question is with the "hosts allow" line on the smb.conf file. I have several
ranges that I would like to allow. For example I would like to a allow the
IP range of to and block or deny everything
else outside this range. Is there a IP format, wild card or file that I can
use so the hosts allow line looks manageable. I would hate to type several
different ranges into it because it would get messy. Any suggestions would
be greatly appreciated. 

Thank You
Rob Kennedy 
(586) 986-8176

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