To clarify a few points...

- Read only either grants write access to everyone or to no one. For some odd reason 
it ignores the writelist entry

- Adding nobody=* to the user map causes every share to require authentication, but 
none of the user/pass are every accepted

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Darren Martz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Wed,  4 Aug 2004 13:16:11 -0700

I have been trying to setup two samba servers on Fedora Core 2 for the past 30 hours 
and am about to jump out a window.

I'm simply trying to create a few shares that multiple WinXP clients can have readonly 
access to and a select few have write privilages. Also, a few shares that are are 
private for a select few users with write privilages. In all cases, anybody should be 
able to browse the machine and access most shares.

I have read the smb.conf(5) manual many times... almost memorized the entire thing ;)

Valid users in the smbpasswd file include nobody and a few others.

Rather than explain my setup... here is a shorter version of my smb.conf file.

        log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
        #log level = 3 passdb:5 auth:10 winbind:2
        workgroup = MYDOMAIN
        server string = 
        map to guest = Bad User
        username map = /etc/samba/      
        dead time = 10
        socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
        load printers = no 
        netbios name = MyServer
        invalid users = root
        wide links = no
        delete readonly = yes
        os level = 20
        security = user
        guest account = nobody
        browseable = yes
        read only = no
        default = software

        # public has read access and dmartz has write access
        comment = "Software Archives"
        path = /home/software
        username = nobody
        valid users = dmartz
        read list = nobody
        write list = dmartz
        force user = dmartz
        force group = +users
        force create mode = 0775
        force directory mode = 0775
        guest ok = yes
        read only  = no

        # private share, shivaun & dmartz have write access
        comment = "Shivaun Martz Files"
        path = /home/shivaun
        valid users = dmartz, shivaun
        write list = dmartz, shivaun
        force user = shivaun
        force group = +users
        force create mode = 0775
        force directory mode = 0775
        guest ok = no
        comment = "Darren Martz Files"
        path = /home/dmartz
        valid users = dmartz
        write list = dmartz
        force user = dmartz
        force group = +users
        force create mode = 0775
        force directory mode = 0775
        guest ok = no
On each directory I have run "chown xxx:users /home/xxx" and "chmod 0775 /home/xxx" to 
avoid any ownership or access issues between users.

1) when I change readonly to yes in global and authorized users do not have write 
2) when I leave readonly in global as 'no' then "nobody" can write and change files??
3) when I add "nobody = *" to the file nobody can log in or browse anything???

Am I approaching this the wrong way?


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