Sten Sletbak wrote:

After upgrading XP to SP2, I can no longer connect to server aliases.
Mapping to a share on the real netbios name works fine.

I've seen that against real Win2K servers also using AD DNS. I always thought it was a M$ feature that you had to net use to either the real NetBIOS computername or the ipaddress. We have various scripts which resolve the name, then net use to the ipaddress. Doing so allows you to net use to the alias... wrapping the net use in a script that is.

So, what is the truth on this. Must it be the real name or IP, or should aliases work in the M$ world... since Samba usually does not "add features" M$ does not offer I would think it behaves the same way a M$ server box would.

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems

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