I've got an issue with a fresh (and I mean really fresh) 3.0.5 + ldap server where doesn't seem to recognize unix group membership. The server was 2.2.8a last night and things were working. The unix side works flawlessly, in other words if I log in as myself I can get where I need to, but under samba I get nothing. Here's some supporting info:

my group membership information:
[fgoserv:bin]# groups pgienger
itserv applied itadmin office projects

permissions on the directory:
[fgoserv:itserv]# ls -alF
total 8
drwxrws---   4 speterso itserv       512 Mar  3 09:03 ./
drwxr-xr-x   8 root     root         512 Jun 25 08:10 ../
drwxrws---   5 speterso projects     512 Jun 22 09:34 projects/
drwxrwsr-t   7 root     itserv       512 Aug  3 16:47 shared/

So from that I can access projects and subdirectories with uid pgienger on unix. On samba 3, not so much. This did work under 2.2.8a last night. My question then is 'is there anything else I should need to do to get the groups to recognize?' This is one example, there are many more people/groups/directories that show this behavior as well.

I'm pretty sure I've seen this posting before on the list but I couldn't find any resolutions... so if somebody solved it - shame on you for not sharing :-P


Paul Gienger Office: 701-281-1884
Applied Engineering Inc. Information Systems Consultant Fax: 701-281-1322
URL: www.ae-solutions.com mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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