Thanks Ulf for your suggestion. I did have a question about your post. The line that you suggest we add to the /etc/pam.d/passwd file would change the SAMBA password when the UNIX password changes.
(Does the line you suggest replace the password line already present in the passwd file?
password required service=system-auth)

Is there a way to change the UNIX password when the SAMBA password is changed in a similar fashion using PAM? I have tried using the "unix password sync = yes" parameter with "password program = usr/bin/passwd %u" and "password chat" parameters but have never been able to change the UNIX password when SAMBA password is changed. I have simply ruled that this method does not work at all for me after umpteen tries.

So if you have a PAM based password sync going from SAMBA to UNIX I would really appreciate it.

Also found the following: (

Password Synchronization Configuration

A sample PAM configuration that shows the use of pam_smbpass to make sure private/smbpasswd is kept in sync when /etc/passwd (/etc/shadow) is changed. Useful when an expired password might be changed by an application (such as *ssh*).

# password-sync
auth       requisite
auth       required
account    required
password   requisite retry=3
password   requisite shadow md5 use_authtok try_first_pass
password   required nullok use_authtok try_first_pass
session    required

Is this the /etc/pam.d/passwd file? The documentation does not explicitly mention it as such. Would this work in place of the config line that you have provided?

Any comments that you may provide would be highly helpful. I am trying to implement a single username/password system for the user and till now have been totally unsuccessful.

Thanks in advance.

Ulf Dettmer wrote:

the file you need to modify is /etc/pam.d/passwd . You should include a line like this:
password required use_authtok use_first_pass smbconf=/etc/samba/smb.conf
cheers, Ulf

Stephen Le schrieb:


Is there a way to sync the Unix password database with Samba's
database? I know that Samba is able to update the Unix database if a
user changes their password via smbpasswd, but what if a user changes
their Unix password with passwd?

I looked into libpam-smbpass, but it didn't seem to work; the
documentation was rather sparse, so I just overwrote my
/etc/pam.d/samba with the provided "password-sync" in the samples

Additionally, I would prefer not to use unencrypted passwords.

Stephen Le

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