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be nat,ural and rational I hope so aunt yo^ur sister Betsey Trotwood said
my aunt would have be,en as nat.ural and rational 
Pray let us be fri`ends said my mother I couldnt live under coldness or
unkindness I am so sorry I have a great many defects I kn`ow and its very
good of you Edward with yo~ur strength of mind to endeavour to correct them
for me Jane I dont object to anything I should be quite brokenhearted if you
thought of leaving  My mother was too much overcome to go on 

-----Original Message-----
From: Hilary Hunt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To: milan devalcourt; geoffrey orth; mack rotando; laverne bolick; shane
Sent: Thursday, February, 2004 11:57 AM
Subject: important tone up

But you shall have some breakfast said I with my hand on the bellrope and
Mrs Cru_pp shall make you some fresh co`ffee and Ill toast you some bacon in
a bachelors Dutchoven that I have got here 
A new burst of crying came u-pon her n.ow in which she once more hid her
face among the sto'nes and lay before us a prostrate image of humiliation
and ruin Kn,owi^ng that this state must pass before we could speak to her
with any hope I ventured to restrain him when he would have raised her and
we stood by in silence until she became more tranquil 
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