Rod Ladwig wrote:

What is the best way to setup a Samba server as a file server in a small
SOHO.  I have to connect 2 windows XP machine and one XP home notebook to a
small SOHO network.  I want to use a Samba server.  I have got it working
except I cannot get XP to write to the Samba server.  I can read but not
write.  From the Samba server I can read and write the XP machines.  I have
set the Samba server up in user mode. I am at a loss of what to do now.  Who
can help me?

Hey Rod,
Perhaps you have user accounts that don't have permission to write in the folders in question. Check their owners and permissions, and also ensure read only = no in the smb.conf ;) Without a touch more info, it would be hard to know exactly. Good luck!

Henry Baxter
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