
i hope that the right address.

my problem is:

i'm using a freebsd-server with postfix and sasl > pam to authentificate users via 
smtp_auth over a windows-pdc

from the syslog, i get the message: User "Michael" granted access,
also all wbinfo-command work,

my e-mail-programm says:

435 error: authentification failed

my debug.log tells me:

group, endgrent, not found
Apr 20 18:34:57 bert postfix/smtpd[2525]: NSSWITCH(nss_method_lookup): file, hosts, 
gethostbyaddr, not found
Apr 20 18:34:57 bert postfix/smtpd[2525]: NSSWITCH(nss_method_lookup): file, hosts, 
gethostbyname, not found
Apr 20 18:34:57 bert saslauthd[639]: NSSWITCH(nss_method_lookup): winbind, passwd, 
getpwnam_r, not found
Apr 20 18:34:57 bert saslauthd[639]: NSSWITCH(nss_method_lookup): winbind, passwd, 
getpwnam_r, not found
Apr 20 18:34:57 bert saslauthd[639]: DEBUG: auth_pam: pam_authenticate failed: 
authentication error
Apr 20 18:35:00 bert cron[2528]: NSSWITCH(nss_method_lookup): winbind, group, 
setgrent, not found
Apr 20 18:35:00 bert cron[2528]: NSSWITCH(nss_method_lookup): winbind, group, 
getgrent_r, not found
Apr 20 18:35:00 bert cron[2528]: NSSWITCH(nss_method_lookup): winbind, group, 
endgrent, not found
Apr 20 18:35:00 bert cron[2528]: NSSWITCH(nss_method_lookup): winbind, passwd, 
endpwent, not found
Apr 20 18:35:22 bert -su: NSSWITCH(nss_method_lookup): winbind, passwd, endpwent, not 

and maillog:

Apr 20 18:34:57 bert postfix/smtpd[2525]: smtpd_sasl_authenticate: decoded response: 
Apr 20 18:34:57 bert postfix/smtpd[2525]: smtpd_sasl_authenticate: uncoded challenge: 
Apr 20 18:34:57 bert postfix/smtpd[2525]: > ernie.bio2.RWTH-Aachen.DE[]: 
334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
Apr 20 18:34:57 bert postfix/smtpd[2525]: < ernie.bio2.RWTH-Aachen.DE[]: 
Apr 20 18:34:57 bert postfix/smtpd[2525]: smtpd_sasl_authenticate: decoded response: 
Apr 20 18:34:57 bert postfix/smtpd[2525]: warning: 
ernie.bio2.RWTH-Aachen.DE[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed
Apr 20 18:34:57 bert postfix/smtpd[2525]: > ernie.bio2.RWTH-Aachen.DE[]: 
435 Error: authentication failed
Apr 20 18:34:58 bert postfix/smtpd[2525]: watchdog_pat: 0x247288
Apr 20 18:35:03 bert postfix/smtpd[2525]: smtp_get: EOF
Apr 20 18:35:03 bert postfix/smtpd[2525]: lost connection after AUTH from 
Apr 20 18:35:03 bert postfix/smtpd[2525]: disconnect from 
Apr 20 18:35:03 bert postfix/smtpd[2525]: master_notify: status 1

my configuration is

sasl2/smtp.conf :

pwcheck_method: saslauthd
log_level: 6


workgroup = Biologie2
netbios name = bert
server string = bert
security = DOMAIN
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50
load printers = No
os level = 20
interfaces = dc0
bind interfaces only = yes
winbind uid = 10000-20000
winbind cache time = 10
template shell = /bin/bash
template homedir =  winbind gid = 10000-20000
winbind use default domain = yes
winbind separator = +           
winbind enum users = Yes 
winbind enum groups = Yes
nt acl support = Yes
password server = avifauna
encrypt passwords = yes
socket options = TCP_NODELAY
local master = no
domain master = no
preferred master = no

   comment = HTTP-Server
   path = /usr/local/www/data-dist
   valid users = Administrator
   public = no
   writeable = yes
   printable = no
   create mask = 0655


account sufficient pam_winbind.so debug
(tried other settings but made no difference)

i also compiled postfix with sasl2-support and smb with nss and started saslauthd -a 

the same works with pam_unix.so so the problem must be the winbind-module

how i have no idea how i can solve that problem, i pray for help!
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