I'm concerned about the machine known as accountingii in the below smbstatus:

Samba version 3.0.5pre2-SVN-build-1326
PID     Username      Group         Machine                        
 2727   bbeerman      users         bbeerman1    (
30957   llawrence     users         df2x1121     (
28942   btalbot       users         dc2x1121     (
 7750   btalbot       users         accountingii (
30607   mmerriam      users         marklaptop2  (
10434   btalbot       users         accounting3  (
 7750   kpotts        users         accountingii (
31273   bjames        users         product1     (
 7750   btalbot       users         accountingii (
31394   mlugo         users         border01     (
 1566   btalbot       users         accountingiii (

Service      pid     machine       Connected at
pfw-import    2727   bbeerman1     Thu Sep  9 09:52:03 2004
accounting    1566   accountingiii  Thu Sep  9 09:00:41 2004
accounting    2727   bbeerman1     Thu Sep  9 09:52:03 2004
IPC$         10434   accounting3   Tue Sep  7 08:04:04 2004
IPC$          7750   accountingii  Fri Sep  3 16:41:57 2004
local-soft    2727   bbeerman1     Thu Sep  9 09:52:03 2004
accounting   30957   df2x1121      Thu Sep  9 06:35:26 2004
IPC$         30607   marklaptop2   Thu Sep  9 06:12:19 2004
kpotts        7750   accountingii  Thu Sep  9 09:45:41 2004
accounting    7750   accountingii  Thu Sep  9 09:45:54 2004
software      2727   bbeerman1     Thu Sep  9 09:52:03 2004
IPC$         28942   dc2x1121      Tue Aug 17 10:43:43 2004
bbeerman      2727   bbeerman1     Thu Sep  9 09:51:17 2004
mmerriam     30607   marklaptop2   Thu Sep  9 06:11:44 2004
groups        2727   bbeerman1     Thu Sep  9 09:52:03 2004
software      1566   accountingiii  Thu Sep  9 09:00:41 2004
mlugo        31394   border01      Thu Sep  9 07:02:53 2004
btalbot       1566   accountingiii  Thu Sep  9 09:00:32 2004
IPC$          7750   accountingii  Thu Sep  9 08:40:18 2004
HumanResou    7750   accountingii  Thu Sep  9 09:45:40 2004
IPC$          1566   accountingiii  Thu Sep  9 09:01:03 2004
accounting   31394   border01      Thu Sep  9 07:03:04 2004
bjames       31273   product1      Thu Sep  9 06:52:07 2004
llawrence    30957   df2x1121      Thu Sep  9 06:35:07 2004
Locked files:
Pid    DenyMode   Access      R/W        Oplock           Name
1566   DENY_WRITE 0x2019f     RDWR       NONE             
/export/accounting/GLedger/Border/BETBINV.XLS   Thu Sep  9 10:20:48 2004
31273  DENY_NONE  0x2019f     RDWR       EXCLUSIVE+BATCH  /home/bjames/My 
Documents/Product/Price Protection/VPD price protection (master list) 04.xls   Thu Sep 
 9 10:16:59 2004
1566   DENY_NONE  0x2019f     RDWR       NONE             
/export/accounting/GLedger/Alaska/COGS/COGS0804.xls   Thu Sep  9 10:20:29 2004
31273  DENY_NONE  0x2019f     RDWR       EXCLUSIVE+BATCH  /home/bjames/My 
Documents/Product/Game Buys/September/gamebuySEP.2004.xls   Thu Sep  9 07:07:41 2004

You'll note that it claims that btalbot is logged on twice and kpotts once 
from the same machine.  ps shows that PID 7750 is owned by kpotts:

kpotts    7750  0.0  3.0 10564 3788 ?        S    Sep03   1:33 /usr/sbin/smbd3 -

What triggered us to notice this was that btalbot was having errors on one of 
the other machines in accessing an excel file (she wasn't specific on what 
happened; she thought "the same problem we had before" was a good enough 
description ~sigh~).

An investigation into the event log on accountingii showed that this morning 
at 9:30 there was an error with the printer that claimed the user was btalbot 
although kpotts was logged in at the time!


Chris Garrigues                 http://www.DeepEddy.Com/~cwg/
Trinsic Solutions               http://www.trinsics.com
1611-B West 6th Street
Austin, TX  78703-5074          512-322-0180

            If you don't apply what you've learned, you haven't 
               learned anything.

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