Mark Jones wrote:
debug... But this error message you said, only appears if you try to add or
delete the user twice from LDAP, so you should remove "-a" from the add user
script and comment out the user delete script if you intend to use

In case you're interested I've created a patch for Bug#762 ( which makes removing and adding users to work a little bit better.

As far as I understand "add user script" is necessary only to add UNIX account (posixAccount fields if you use LDAP) and then Samba will add Samba related information into the right database depending on your "passdb backend" parameter. This is why you need to use "-a" switch of the ONLY if you run it from command line. The same idea is suppose to be behind "delete user script" parameter - first, Samba deletes samba related information from the account and then uses the script to delete UNIX account.

The "ldap delete dn = yes" is a work around for a problem which my patch fixes. What this parameter does - it asks Samba to delete user's DN entry from LDAP completely instead of peeling just Samba related information. In this case "delete user script" fails to find the user since Samba already removed ALL information about it. That's why you don't need "delete user script" if you have "ldap delete dn = yes".

Originally, this patch was created for 3.0.6 but it merges nicely into 3.0.7 as well.

Here're the related lines from my smb.conf:

passdb backend = ldapsam
ldap delete dn = no
add machine script = /usr/local/sbin/ -w "%u"

## Uncomment if you want USRMGR.EXE to add Unix account as well.
# add user script = /usr/local/sbin/ -n -d /dev/null -s /bin/false "%u"
add group script = /usr/local/sbin/ -p "%g"
add user to group script = /usr/local/sbin/ -m "%u" "%g"

## Uncomment if you want USRMGR.EXE to remove UNIX account as well.
# delete user script = /usr/local/sbin/ "%u"
delete group script = /usr/local/sbin/ "%g"
delete user from group script = /usr/local/sbin/ -x "%u" "%g"

Hope it helps, Igor

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