Daniel Ramaley wrote:

I run Samba on OpenBSD. It isn't Linux, but it is free and works very well. It also isn't likely to go away or move to a less stable development any time soon.

On Thursday 23 September 2004 09:44 am, Chris McKeever wrote:

we are running an older version of RH (7.3) - and I am getting
concerned that I may need to migrate off of it - but I dont know what
I should move to.  Trying to formulate ideas before it becomes a 'got
to do it now' scenario.

I have some reservations about fedora - I just dont know how stable it
is for a production server (our services are mainly
samba/ldap/ntp/ssh/rsync/clamav) - we have about 15 samba servers in
production currently.

RHEL - well - the cost is a factor

gentoo - takes to long to deploy

Mandrake 10?

What are some of the samba users recommendations?


I think to some degree it depends on what your implimentation of samba is like...As in are you doing relatively simple file sharing or are you making use of all the bells and whistles available (winbind, kerberos integration, etc.). If you have a relatively simple configuration and this is in a production environment then shell out the money for RHEL or Suse (trying not to be too biased) and enjoy being on a relatively stable unchanging and *supported* OS.

If your configuration is more complex then you probably want to avoid those platforms as they try to update very infrequently. Samba tends to be in a constant state of change and of course it has to deal with reacting to whatever Microsoft decides to do...for simple configurations this doesn't tend to matter, but if you're using some of the more powerful features of Samba then you probably have to look forward to having to upgrade on a regular basis. In that case you should probably go with whatever is free and comfortable for you to use.


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