
Finaly, I have found a solution to this problem !

At first on my win2k workstation, policies where working (with ntconfig.pol into

Doing somes changes into poledit.exe and trying somes different templates .adm
files, my computer where not loading the ntconfig.pol anymore.
In fact the thread located here is true :

More precisely, this is the template file 'common.adm' witch contains into the
'network' section this parameter (look the section of common.adm next):


CATEGORY !!Network
        CATEGORY !!Update
                POLICY !!RemoteUpdate
                KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Update
                        VALUENAME "UpdateMode"                  VALUE NUMERIC 0
                END ACTIONLISTOFF
                        PART !!UpdateMode                               DROPDOWNLIST 
                        VALUENAME "UpdateMode"
                                NAME !!UM_Automatic             VALUE NUMERIC 1
                                NAME !!UM_Manual                VALUE NUMERIC 2
                        END ITEMLIST
                        END PART

                        PART !!UM_Manual_Path                   EDITTEXT
                        VALUENAME "NetworkPath"
                        END PART

                        PART !!DisplayErrors                    CHECKBOX
                        VALUENAME "Verbose"
                        END PART

                        PART !!LoadBalance                      CHECKBOX
                        VALUENAME "LoadBalance"
                        END PART
                END POLICY
        END CATEGORY    ; Update

END CATEGORY    ; Network

If the automatic update was desactivated at one moment, then the ntconfig.pol
will not be loaded.
You must activate the "automatic aupdate" for this to work.
believe me, I have tryed this morning onto my computer, It Works !!

Hope this helps to those like me been searching many days for this problem !

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