Adrian Hicks wrote:
Firstly, the man page says to use "add machine script"... AND

Can someone tell me why my thinking is wrong. Isn't %u the username of the current service, if any, as described in the smb.conf man page?

If so, why do the doc's (including the man page) put %u in the command for adding a machine account to the UNIX side?

Doesn't the machine account need the NetBIOS name of the client, and isn't this represented in Samba by %m?

Wouldn't the command for adding a machine be something more like (3.0.x):

add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -c Machine -d /dev/null -g 100 \ -s /bin/false %m

Can't test right now as our only 2000 machine is busy. Can anyone else confirm?

Adrian Hicks

No, NetBIOS name is just a name of the machine, but machine trust account should have a special name - name of the machine terminated with '$'. This special name is what get substituted in place of %u.

Hope it helps,

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