Jason Balicki schrieb:

I'm trying to set up the recycler module in 3.0.7, but no
matter what I do Samba seems to ignore it, even though
testparm shows no errors.

recycler is working here, smb.conf looks like:

        path = /mnt/test
        read only = No
        create mask = 0777
        directory mask = 0775
        delete readonly = Yes
        vfs objects = recycle
        recycle:repository = .Papierkorb/%U
        recycle:keeptree = Yes
        recycle:touch = Yes
        recycle:versions = Yes
        recycle:maxsize = 0
        recycle:exclude = *.tmp *.temp *.o *.obj ~$* *.~??
        recycle:excludedir = /tmp /temp /cache /mnt/test/tmp
        recycle:noversions = *.doc *.xls *.ppt

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