access to dn.regex="^([^,]*,)?ou=[^,]+,(dc=[^,]+(,dc=[^,]+)*)$"
by self write
by dn.exact,expand="uid=Administrator,ou=People,$2" write
by group="cn=Domain\ Controllers,ou=Group,$2" write
by group="cn=Replicator,ou=Group,$2" write
by anonymous auth
by * none

Using commenting, I've narrowed it down to the first line above.

I also turned off all acls to test and see if Samba would be begin to function properly with group authentication. This did not work and would seem to indicate that there is another problem contained in Samba itself or the config.

I prefer to address the acl issue first. Unfortunately, I've not had much practice with regular expressions.

Jim C. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- | I can be reached on the following Instant Messenger services: | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED] AIM: WyteLi0n ICQ: 123291844 | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | Y!: j_c_llings Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | -----------------------------------------------------------------

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