Hi @ll and John
log level = 2 vfs:1
log file = /var/log/samba/%U.%m.log
syslog = 0
now works ,as i wanted the logs to be

John H Terpstra schrieb:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Samba] Re: VFS Extended Auditing Module Debug Information
From: "Marco De Vitis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, September 27, 2004 9:44 am

Il 23/09/2004, alle ore 8:22, John H Terpstra ha scritto:

Given recent discussion on this list I have just updated the master Samba-Docs
information regarding the Debug Class (Log Level) settings and the audit

Great, thanks!

Anyway something is still not clear to me. I quote from the updated howto:

Logging can take place to the default log file (log.smbd) for all loaded
VFS modules just be setting in the smb.conf file log level = 0 vfs:x,
where x is the log level. This will disable general logging while
activating all logging of VFS module activity at the log level

Apart from "be" -> "by" (I suppose), does this mean that a global log

Oops. I'll fix that typo.

level of zero is NECESSARY for correct extd_audit logging? Or is it just a

Suggestion to keep log noise level down.

Also, this "vfs:x" parameter looks like a global VFS parameter. Does this
mean that any other VFS module which outputs debug information (I don't
know if others exist) will be affected by it?

Correct. All VFS modules will be affected. The alternative is to modify
a VFS module so it will read the log level info and thereby affect just its own actions.

        log level = 0 vfs:[012]
        syslog = 0
        log level = 0 vfs:0
or      log level = 0 vfs:1
or      log level = 0 vfs:2

In this example, syslog information will be only critical general samba

I just tried these settings:

       log file = /var/log/samba/%m.%U.log
       syslog = 0
        log level = 0 vfs:2
        max log size = 0

...and restarted samba (3.0.7), but I still get lots of smbd_audit stuff
in syslog, and ONLY in syslog (i.e. not in samba logfiles): open, close,
opendir, rename, chmod...

I've had the same report from others. I'll look into this when I get some time.

Despite recent criticism regarding the difficulty of establishing acceptable

I'm not critic regarding audit, I'm critic regarding docs about it. ;)


Let me explain: when using Samba 2.x I expressed on some mailing lists the
desire for good auditing on file access, and I was told that the audit VFS
module in Samba 3 was the answer to my problems. I now finally got to use
Samba 3, but I felt lost regarding the way to obtain usable audit logs,
and so a bit disappointed.

Understood. I just discovered that someone has been hacking on the
source code and has changed the way it works without updating the
documentation! Argh!

As far as I can see, this is a fairly popular topic, so maybe it should be
documented in more detail, covering all doubts users seem to express on
the subject.
Anyway your new additions to the howto are already a good step forward, I
now have a clearer idea of what I should do.

OK. More to follow when I get some time to sort this out.

- John T.


..."Kid A", Radiohead 2000

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