Hi, nice to here
cause i never will use suse again in the future until they do not fix this essential
dns bug
Schlomo Schapiro schrieb:

btw, SuSE support will likely soon release an updated glibc RPM to addresss the .local problem (there you can switch off the MDNS lookups).


PS: For iptables you could try http://www.fwbuilder.org/ - it is quite nice.

On Tue, 5 Oct 2004, rruegner wrote:

Chuck Chauvin schrieb:

Is anyone aware of any specific problems with SuSE 9.1 Pro in regards to running Samba as a domain controller? I have been trying for a couple of weeks to get it setup but keep running into one roadblock or another.

Half of the time I can't see the DC at all unless I disable the SuSE Firewall altogether, other times I am able to see the DC just not connect if I have ports 137, 138, 139 and 445 open.

I haven't been able to find much help online or in the various forums that I frequent and was wondering if anyone knew of any specific probelms with SuSE 9.1 that I might not be aware of.

Thanks in advance.

Chuck Chauvin
Network Administrator

Hi, the simple answer is dont use suse firewall,( iptables scripts are easy to google )
and study more chapters from Samba Browsing
I run many samba server under suse without any special problems
what you should now is taht you should not use a .local
dns domain on your internal nameserver , which is highly recommend
for a private network, in suse 9.1 this dns domains are resolved
by multicast for miracle reason, without having the magic to disable it.

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