Dear sir,
v installed Linux Domain Named System in  Enterprise Linux release ES 3, now
v r not facing any problem in Win98 client joining in DNS, but v are facing
problem in Window XP OS
Cld u pl suggest me How can i join in DNS sys with  Windows XP OS client.
i extract some information from manual and done all modification in Register
(XP sys) and Local Policies, those are
In registry:
"RequireSignorseal"= Dword..."0"
In Local policies:
Local Security Settings
    Local Policies
        Security Options
            Domain number: Digitally encript or sign secure channel dat (
always)= Disable
in the same they are mentioning "uidnumber=0", Where can i get this option
in XP or Linux PC
Pl suggest me through mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
thanking you,
varaprasad M S
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