yeah, for some reason the connection would terminate.  I guess I
should have replied earlier, but I found a slightly simpler way around
this problem.

It seems that microsoft is offering is 'Services for Unix' free for
download from their website.  I installed that a couple days ago and
everythings fine mounting the new NFS share on my box.

This solution still requires a bit of configuration on the part of the
windows server, but on the linux side of things, it's a lot smoother
to integrate.  I'm not the best at describing features of products,
and I've not used it for long, but this product provides NFS NIS and
password syncronization with unix machines.

In closing I guess this would be a viable workaround for those
experiencing difficulties with winXP and the newer versions of smbfs
and cifs.  Thanks for all the help.


On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 21:56:13 -0400, Igor Belyi
> Have you tried to browse this share with smbclient?
> Igor
> Jason Pirok wrote:
> > This problem began a couple months ago with my new install of (you
> > guessed it) XP sp2.  Now, when i mount a share from the xp machine to
> > my debian box, everyone, including rot, gets a permission denied
> > trying to ls the dir.
> >
> > I've read posts about switching to cifs, but that has opened a whole
> > new can of worms.  I'd just like to see smbfs mount my shares properly
> > the way they used to.
> >
> > My version of samba is 3.0.7-1 according to dpkg on debian unstable.
> > the mount command is
> >
> > mount -t smbfs -o
> > credentials=cred.file,netbiosname=intruder,workgroup=workgroup,ip=
> > //host/share /path/to/mount/dir
> >
> > I've done lots of look ups on google regarding many combinations of xp
> > smbfs and the problems encountered to no avail.  I'm at wits end and
> > don't know what else to do.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > Jason
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