Am using Fedora Core RPM Samba 3.0.7 and am trying to get VFS recycle to
work. Here is the relevant smb.conf:




        workgroup = SSVMTN

        netbios name = MONARCH

        security = DOMAIN

        password server = GOATSEYE

        encrypt passwords = yes

        server string = Monarch Server

        wins server =

        dns proxy = No

        name resolve order = wins lmhosts host bcast

        preferred master = no

        domain master = no

        local master = no

        log file = /var/log/samba/%m

        log level = 1

        syslog = 0

        max log size = 0

        hosts allow = 172. 127.

        invalid users = root, bin, daemon, adm, sync, shutdown

        socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192

        writable = yes

        map to guest = bad user

        obey pam restrictions = yes

        hide dot files = yes

        browsable = no

        printcap name = /etc/printcap

        winbind separator = +

        winbind cache time = 30

        winbind enum users = yes

        winbind enum groups = yes

        winbind use default domain = yes

        winbind enable local accounts = yes

        template homedir = /home/users/%U

        idmap uid = 10000-20000

        idmap gid = 10000-20000



        comment = Test Drive

        path = /home/depts/test

        valid users = @SSVMTN+test

        admin users = @SSVMTN+"Domain Admins"

        vfs objects = recycle

        recycle:repository = /home/depts

        recycle:keeptree = Yes

        recycle:touch = Yes

        recycle:versions = Yes

        recycle:exclude = *.tmp *.temp *.o *.obj ~$* *.~??

        recycle:excludedir = /tmp /temp /cache

        create mask = 0770

        directory mask = 0770

        force create mode = 0770

        force directory mode = 0770

        security mask = 0770

        force group = SSVMTN+test


Have read the How to and various posts but have not got it going. My
understanding is that the .recycle directory is created once the first file
is deleted but I am not seen that directory anywhere. Can someone point me
in the right direction.



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