Well, the programs that start automatically and use the data files on the share are not in the Startup folder. So they're started via the registry, but are run on a user-specific basis.

Are you on Windows XP? How do you start something before a user is logged in by registry?

Does this mean that they are all neccessarily services?

No, but they should be installed as such if you want them to run without a user logged in.

By drive letter. I have WinXP automatically reconnect the share to N: on user login. The applications, which, as noted above, are users-specific, then attempt to access data in subdirectories beneath N:\CommonData\.

Yes, Windows reconnects after user login. More specific the explorer process does. And that is not reliable. The explorer does not guarantee you the reconnect. Do an explicit net use in a startup script. Give a net use /delete before to be sure.

and the share is reconnected to N: automatically. nancy also has Mozilla running as a service (Quick Start), and that is also started at login.

N:\CommonData\Mozilla\bookmarks.html. After the WinXP login is complete (no hourglass cursor) nancy opens Mozilla to find that none of her bookmarks are present, yet shared drive N: is shown in Windows Explorer and no complaints about failure to connect the share are seen. After browing N:\CommonData with Windows Explorer the bookmarks are available in Mozilla.

No surprise here. Mozilla is faster than explorer startup.

If you want to access a mounted drive letter, have a Programm mount it, don't rely on explorer to reconnect. Explorer only makes sure the drive is mounted if you click on it. But all that is not really a samba problem.
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