Sort of solved...

First, I tried stopping smb and winbind and cleaning out all cache files (/var/cache/samba).
Then joining worked fine for a while. Then it didn't. Whenever it didn't I got those weird messages with [EMAIL PROTECTED]@KLIENT.UIB.NO again.

Now that problem seems to be fixed, but I still get errors joining. Seen from the AD side the join succeeds, and I can authenticate against AD as expected. I'm not sure what this is, but I'll get someone on the AD side to help me clean out the credentials for IFTSMB100 completely. Does anyone here know what it takes to get completely rid of all traces of a host in AD so I can really retry from scratch?

To get to a working setup I had to add a domain-to-realm mapping in krb5.conf and match the default realm in krb5.conf to the realm in smb.conf (KLIENT.UIB.NO). This is the realm where computers live in this setup. Users live in other domains.
My new config files are at and


birger wrote:

After a lot of different problems and variations of krb5.conf and samba.conf files I am currently stuck with the following error trying to join a domain

net ads join -U [EMAIL PROTECTED] 'Klienter\IT\MatNat\IFT\Samba Servers\IT-gruppen'
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s password:
[2004/12/02 15:34:36, 0] libads/ldap.c:ads_add_machine_acct(1367)
ads_add_machine_acct: Host account for iftsmb100 already exists - modifying old account
Using short domain name -- KLIENT
[2004/12/02 15:34:39, 0] libads/kerberos.c:get_service_ticket(335)
get_service_ticket: kerberos_kinit_password [EMAIL PROTECTED]@KLIENT.UIB.NO failed: Preauthentication failed
*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x00632800 ***

Fedora Core 3, Samba 3.0.9 as installed by yum.

# klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
12/02/04 14:45:02  12/03/04 00:45:04  krbtgt/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
       renew until 12/03/04 14:45:02

Kerberos 4 ticket cache: /tmp/tkt0 klist: You have no tickets cached

I have tried removing the definition in the AD server and recreating. Samba manages to create the account, but still fails like above. Note the double @KLIENT.UIB.NO. I think I'll go home now and take a break while my head clears after fighting with security = ads for 2 days...

In this AD environment hosts are defined in KLIENT.UIB.NO, while users belong to either UIB.NO or STUDENT.UIB.NO (a separate forest with trust relationships). I have had it working as far as wbinfo listing users from both worlds, but I still couldn't access shares. Then something broke, and now I can't join the domain again. What have I done wrong here?

My config files are at and

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