Adam and Mrinal - thanks for the info.

Adam wrote>
| Are you talking about raw packet count, packet size, or just content?
| If either of the former, yes, the count and total transaction size
| will be larger.  Your VPN connection is probably using a much smaller
| MRU/MTU than your LAN,  resulting in more overhead (packet headers,
| etc..)

I found the data just by watching the windows connection status window (lazy) which gives the volume of data in bytes. We are comparing two VPN connections created from different locations piped through the net to the server - the VPN/SMB server is not local to either machine or office. I'm guessing that this windows data statistic includes the VPN overheads (the ppp* ifconfig stats from the server are smaller than the corresponding windows VPN data stats).

We'll have a go at the test again and have a look at the volume of data the server says it's actually stuck down the ppp connections - the raw transmitted data. Hopefully they will actually be equal and we can rule out smb and deal with MTUs.

If it turns out to be nothing to do with MTU, then we'll have a look at Mrinal's suggestion for why smb might be sending more info than necessary.

Thanks again for the help,

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