Jim C. wrote:

| After reading smb.conf the option "passdb backend = guest" looks wrong?
| guest isnt listed as a possibility in the manpage.
| Ive changed nothing in my passwd/smbpasswd file.
| Why is it not working?

passdb backend tells samba where to find it's records.  You need to read
up on this.


Jim C.
| I can be reached on the following Instant Messenger services: |
| MSN: j_c_llings @ hotmail.com AIM: WyteLi0n ICQ: 123291844 |
| Y!: j_c_llings Jabber: jcllings @ njs.netlab.cz |

Yes, but reading the mentioned site doesnt help....guest still looks wrong :(
there should be a password backend like tdbsam, ldapsam or mysqlsam.
It makes no sense.



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