
We recently moved our Samba PDC from one linux-based samba server to another. I copied samba's settings (rsync'd /etc/samba/*) exactly, and the new PDC has the same IP address, host name and overall config. (same version of samba, same kernel, etc)

Since moving the PDC, Windows XP workstations no longer recognize the smb.conf defined "admin users" as domain admins. Prior to moving the PDC, WinXP workstations properly recognized the "admin users" as domain administrators without issue.

One hardware component in the Samba PDC that did change is the MAC address of the network card.

** Perhaps WinXP clients will stop trusting a PDC if it's MAC address suddenly changes? **

Logins, roaming profiles and general file sharing works fine with the new PDC; the only thing that's giving us trouble is that "admin users" suddenly are not domain admins. (admin users do still have root-level access to files/shares on samba servers -- only domain admin functions fail.)

We have found that manually removing and re-adding machines to the domain seems to fix the problem. But if reverting to the prior MAC address or some other trickery with the new samba PDC works, that is much preferred over a late night spent fixing a bunch of broken windows.

Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks!


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