Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:

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Jeremy Allison wrote:

|> Samba has gone the way of many successful projects: The principal
|> developers are busy with writing books and talking at conferences
|> while the mailing lists get flooded with clueless newbie requests.
|> Nobody knowledgeable finds the time to answer requests at all.

you not serious are you ?  many Samba developers still take
time to monitor and respond to this list.  Check the archives.

The problem is the signal to noise ratio.  The same questions
get asked over and over again.

I'll also point out that screaming "the support on this list
is horrible" is sadly one of the best ways to get people to
respond (no offense to the original poster).

cheers, jerry -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


If you ask a question regarding a problem that cannot be solved by an easy google search, describe the problem you are facing in an understandable manner, and supply any related configuration files and/or logs you will generally get relatively prompt feedback from someone.

Now and then you will have something so off the wall that nobody really has a clue -- I've sent a few out like that myself :), but such is life. I applaud not only the effort that the Samba team puts forth in regard to the product, but to what extent they *do* monitor this list and help others.

Christian Merrill

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