Thomas Kreft wrote:

I have a rather complex access setup for my users home-directories. This is
a) All users have to be able to read other users files (minus some private
b) Some users additionally have write access to specific (not: all!)

So a user Joe also has a group called 'Joe' with members Joe, Tim and Kate.
Hence,  Joe, Tim and Kate may write to /home/joe. I do this by editing
smb.conf as follows:

       valid users = @users
       write list = @%g
       browseable = No
       create mask = 0660
       directory mask = 0770

Now the question is: How do I provide the users with an easy way to access
the various 'homes', ie. via a mapped network drive, and STILL preserve the
'write list' option of the smb.conf?

Of course, the users could type "\\SERVERNAME" into their windows explorer,
or browse through the network neighbourhood everytime, but this is rather

Or I could create a share with symlinks to all the home folders, but this
would deprive me of the individual 'write list' access control.

Hope I could make myself clear! Any ideas are highly appreciated, I'm
completely lost.


Hallo Thomas,
I would solve your problem this way:
I would create home folders like you have done /home/joe , /home/tim ...
I would create group folders like /group/joe, /group/...

in smb.conf :
comment = private
browseable = yes
create mask = 0700
directory mask = 0700
public = no
writeable = yes

comment = group directory
path = /group/%g
create mask = 0770
directory mask = 0770
force directory mode = 0770
force create mode = 0770
public = no
writeable = yes

in logon.bat:
net use x: \\server\homes
net use y: \\server\group

In this way, data in x:\ are private f.e. joe,
data in y:\ are readable and writeable for the whole group f. e. joe, tim and kate.


Sabine Zarabian

Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Biologie
0521 - 106 5567

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