I posted a while back (twice, actually), about some long delays with offline files sync and, to a lesser extent, domain logins with Windows XP SP2.

This is Samba 3.0.7 (ldapsam backend) on Mandrakelinux 9.2 and 10.0, with XP SP1 clients. I make use of WINS and everything works fine for SP1 clients.

Here's what I found since then: after the client is joined to the Samba (NT) domain, things slow down a little. When the Cisco VPN client OR the Microsoft VPN adapter is enabled along with that, things slow down even more. I can remove the client from the domain and the slowness goes away - even leaving the VPN adapter(s) configured. Most striking: a non-domain (local PC) user sees slow offline files sync *based only on the above change*. Just having the client computer joined to the domain is enough to hose things up, even though a non-domain user is logged in.

Since I keep seeing odd RPC-type unauthenticated user calls happening when things go slow, I wonder if the following may have anything to do with it (RPC changes in XP SP2)? More to the point: has Samba accounted for the changes and/or does it need to?


Comments appreciated.


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