Somewhere in between the functionality of smbpasswd appears to have changed.

When run as root user from:

smbpasswd [options] username password


smbpasswd [options] username

Is there a simple replacement to the original non interaction functionality?

I believe the change was stated in the release notes for the version that the change was made in. There is a option to change the input mode of smbpasswd to listen to stdin rather than the tty, which is what it does and keeps you from scripting a solution. I believe the switch is -s, much like the standard passwd program's --stdin flag. What this does is allow you to do something like:

(echo $PASS; echo $PASS) | smbpasswd -s <username>
in a script.

Paul Gienger                    Office: 701-281-1884
Applied Engineering Inc.
Systems Architect               Fax:    701-281-1322
URL:       mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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