Does anyone succesfully get more than 60MB/sec sequential throughput, WITHOUT jumbo frames, with the following configuration:

samba 3 on RedHat linux server
windows XP Pro workstations
GigE NIC's and GigE switches

Assuming all the disks/buses on the server and client ends are capable of those speeds. We have that exact setup, and we only get 30MB/sec maximum sequential throughput. In fact our servers and clients disk benchmark at more than 100MB/sec seq. throughput, and our netperf is >100MB/sec as well, but we still only get 30MB/sec when going through samba.

Also, we actually do not manage our network switches, and we are told the switches do not support jumbo frames, so changing the MTU on the client NIC's and samba get's us nowhere because the switches won't do it anyway.

Mostly I'm just trying to find out if anyone get's decent GigE network throughput through samba 3. I want to rule out that samba is the bottleneck.



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