Hi All,

Server OS - SuSE Pro 9.0
Samba server version - samba3-3.0.9-1 (SuSE rpm)
Client - Windows XP Pro SP 2
Office XP SP 2

I have everything working well such as machines joining domain, users
logging in, roaming profiles etc. But when a user of the Samba domain
tries to open a Excel VBA document, the following error occurs.
"Error accessing the system registry"

Please note that the macro security settings are at LOW. If I say OK to
the previous error, then the system opens a window titled "Identity
Login" with 2 buttons "Log Off Identity" and "Manage Identities" and 2
other buttons "OK" and "Cancel". No actual identities are shown in this
window. And because of this reason "OK" button is greyed out. If I hit
"Cancel", then the system opens up the Excel sheet, but with an error
window saying essentially,

Microsoft Excel File Repair Log

Errors were detected in file 'C:\Documents and
The following is a list of repairs:

Lost Visual Basic project.
Lost ActiveX controls.

I googled around, and tried this article from Microsoft KB,
"http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q269383/";, but to no avail.

I turned on debugging on the server to 10, but does not help. I can see
that the server complains about some DLL files being unavailable, but
these errors don't show up when I try to open the excel sheet.

I am attaching the smb.conf file along. Any help greatly appreciated.


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