Paul Gienger a écrit :

Please make sure to post your resolution, or next issue, to the list for posterity. I'm sure you just hit the wrong button...

Winbind could very well be your problem as well.

Joris De Pooter wrote:

Paul Gienger a écrit :

My problem is that I can't make it work, all I get is an NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE.
Please, given my smb.conf, can any guru help me with this ?

   workgroup = ATEMPO
   netbios name = myprintserver
   server string = samba (%U)
   smb passwd file = /etc/samba/private/smbpasswd
   passdb backend = tdbsam
   log file = /var/log/samba3/log.%m
   printer admin = @adm, root
   load printers = yes
   printing = cups
   printcap = cups
   security = server
   password server = mypdcserver
   os level = 15
   local master = no
   domain master = no
   encrypt passwords = yes

I didn't notice at first, hence me posting to the parent again... you've got a few conflicting entries here:
security = server
passdb = tdbsam
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/private/smbpasswd

Yes you're right :) I've commented the passdb and smb passwd file params. But I still have no luck in authentication.

You don't 'need' a passwd file when running in server security, although it apparently will fall back. I'm presuming that your smb passwd file parameter is the default anyway, but it's not used in tdbsam, which is another red herring to the setup. I'd drop all but your security mode.

Also, you may want to get rid of it all and run with
security = domain
since you've got a (presumably) good PDC server running. This will mean that you'll have to join your samba box to the domain however, but that will help you to validate your setup.

After some reading, I think my problem is because I don't have winbind on my samba print server.
I'm investigating now.

I keep you in touch :)

Hi, you see I didn't forget you :p
After some readings (that Using Samba book is really awesome), I changed the security type, installed winbind, and finally made it work flawlessly.
Here's my smb.conf for your information

# Global parameters
   workgroup = ATEMPO
   netbios name = PAPYRUS2
   server string = papyrus le retour (%v)
   log file = /var/log/samba3/log.%m
   max log size = 50
   printer admin = ATEMPO+joris
   load printers = no
   printing = cups
   security = domain
   password server = *
   os level = 15
   local master = no
   domain master = no
   encrypt passwords = yes
   winbind separator = +
   winbind cache time = 10
   idmap uid = 10000-20000
   idmap gid = 10000-20000
   template homedir = /home/%D/%U
   template shell = /bin/false

   comment = Drivers Imprimantes
   path = /etc/samba/printer
   write list = ATEMPO+joris
   browseable = yes
   read only = yes

# one printer
   comment = Dell 1700n - MIS - RDC
   path = /var/spool/samba
   printable = yes
   write list = ATEMPO+joris

My bad was my misunderstood of the documentation I found because as I said before, english isn't my native language.
Anyway, thanks for your help all, i appreciated it really :)

See you soon, that list is just great ;)

PS: Sorry, i just saw that instead of replying to the list, I replied some of my mail to a person :(
Joris De Pooter
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