
I am not sure, but I think that windows does not support users und groups with the same name (joe-joe)
Trie to rename the group joe to e.g. joegroup and it will work.



Olivier Rochefort wrote:

Hello everybody. I have noted a strange problem when using Usrmgr.exe (from srvtools). The problem arise when a net groupmap is done on a group for which a user exist with the same name that the specified unixgroup. For example, lets say that I have the following UNIX user and group create on my Samba server :

joe (in /etc/group)
joe (in /etc/passwd)

Now I create the following map :

net groupmap add ntgroup="Joe Smith" unixgroup=joe type=domain

Now if I start Usrmgr.exe and I check the user joe I can see the group "Joe Smith" and others groups. If I try to remove the group "Joe Smith" then Usrmgr.exe popup a message "Access denied". What is strange is that if I check /etc/group I can see that the command has succeed because user joe is no longer member of the group joe. Still that if I look back to Usrmgr.exe, user joe is still a member of group "Joe Smith" even if it's not the case in /etc/group. Anyone can bring some clarifications about that?

Dr. HansjÃrg Maurer
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