
read the recent thread on vampire, there we discussed the question, 
if usernames with spaces work on Linux. For example useradd "hello world" 
won't work on any Linux system around me here (various SuSE). So maybe you 
just have bad luck (sorry to tell you, but having usernames with spaces 
can be only a MS invention) ? Or maybe you can use the username map feature to 
map Jon Doe to Jon_Doe in Samba ? Or maybe write a patch to do that on a lower 
level ?


On Thu, 17 Mar 2005, Horacio Vico wrote:

> Hi, I've been succesfully connecting my SuSE Linux (since version 9.0) to my
> organization's NT domain using Samba's Winbind. The thing is multiple users
> use my PC, not only myself. Though it was also necessary to setup my pam.d to
> automatically create their home folders at first logon (using
> pam_mkhomedir.so).
> My NT user is something like "jdoe" but there are some users that have this
> kind of usernames: "John Doe" (notice the space between John an Doe).
> When I log into a terminal with this kind of users the home folder is created
> successfully and I can log in and work normally. The problem is with KDM, when
> I try to log in with this users it just does not work, it tries to look for
> preferences into "/home/john" instead of "/home/john\ doe" . That is really
> annoying because I cannot manuallyassign a home folder for every user that
> could work on this PC.
> I am the only user inside this organization that uses Linux on its computer,
> and if I cannot make this work I'll have to switch to Windows :=( . Please
> help!!!!

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