> Luca Olivetti wrote:
> > Vincent Mikalinis wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > Has anyone figured out why some people are not having
> > > problem with similar configurations, however some
> > > people require that we add the "lpq command =
> > > line?  It is a very good and simple solution. Should
> > > pdf printers be set with this option for future
> > 
> > I don't know, but I bypassed the problem by using a pdf
> > backend in cups  (which is really a simple shell script
> > that I tailored to my needs), so  even the pdf printer
> > is a "normal" cups printer. 
> Somebody called "misty" said the same thing in IRC #samba
> yesterday, but  they had to run before they could show me
> the contents of the file.  Would you mind sending this to
> the list? I think it is still at least  slighlty
> "on-topic".
> The person on IRC said they then have another cron job
> that goes and  emails the so created pdf every 5 minutes
> to the users that created  them. For one situation here
> that would be THE ideal solution. So if  misty or anybody
> else that happens to have the same solution wouldn't  mind
> emailing me the details for that, that would be really
> appreciated.

There is a cups backend pdf creator tool by Volker Behr
can be set up to write the pdf file to the user's home
directory.  To do this the tool must be compiled with this
option (documentation is available).  Using this option
there is
no need to use a script + cron job to move the pdf to the
home directory.  The drawback of using this method is that
security must be relaxed a bit to include "RunAsUser=No". 
tool can be found at:  

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