After killing an smbd process, or occasionally after a process has died
itself, there remains a lock as indicated in an smbstatus output.

The process ID tied to the file lock in the db is no longer active, yet the
db entry still exists. Is there a way to manually manipulate the file locks
db? If not, will any of these entries prohibit another smbd process from
handling the file which is indicated as locked? Or will a new process simply
validate the running/not running status of the process id indicated in the
db before proceeding itself?

On a side note, is there any detailed documentation as towards the various
db files shared by the smbd processed? Something more detailed than your
typical how-to in regards to why and what they do, vs. actually reading
through the source code or something? Just some reading I wouldn't mind
taking the time to do; the more I can familiarize myself with the internals
of samba, the better admin I may become :)

Nathan Vidican
Windsor Match Plate & Tool Ltd.

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