tor, 07.04.2005 kl. 18.16 skrev Bernard McAuley:

> I'm trying to get samba to work with a CUPS printer setup.
> Unfortuantely I'm falling over at the first hurdle.  I've installed
> samba 3.0.12 from sources and I've a redhat 9.0 box running CUPS 1.1.71.
> I've installed the following smb.conf file:-
> [global]
> load printers=yes
> printings=cups
> printcap name=cups
> passdb backend = tdsam
> [printers]
> comment = All Printers
> path = /var/spool/samba
> browseable = no
> public = yes
> guest ok = yes
> writable = no
> printable = yes
> printer admin = root, @ntadmins
> If I start samba and run:-
> Rpcclient server -U root -c enumprinters
> Then I get returned the message 'No printers returned'

This work for me:

1: Make and configure the Cups printer exactly as described in the Samba
HOWTO, editing files as documented;
2: Don't put anything in [global]
3: Edit the [printers] section of smb.conf. Mine looks like this and XP
can print to it ;)

        comment = Epson C42UX
        path = /var/spool/samba/raw_q
        printer admin = @domadm
        guest ok = Yes
        printable = Yes
        use client driver = Yes
        browseable = No

4: Reload or restart smb services.


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