OK, no one on this list seen this before than I assume, well it still occurs with latest compiled version.

On Mon, 11 Apr 2005, Res wrote:

Hi All,

[2005/04/11 11:26:58, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(620)
 '/tmp' does not exist or is not a directory, when connecting to [IPC$]

This wierd and wacky thing has just started for no apparent reason
no upgrades were done no system mods were performed, the file server is just never played with except to add shares, testparm says all OK.

This also happens when a user tries to login, it comes up with the full path saying it doesnt exist or is not a directory, but they do and are...
Its almost like Samba has lost the plot into what its 'master root' is.

'/home/res' does not exist or is not a directory, when connecting to [res]
(bit of problem there *IF* my unix login was flapped up, so its fine because logins are ok)

Google is full of diferent stuff about this and no clear suggestions to wtf it is, and a couple of suggestions of resolutions dont work,
we have tried a fresh samba conf install, one working one from another samba server and its fine.

Version 3.0.9-1.3E.2

smbclient -L fox -N
Domain=[HOME] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.9-1.3E.2]
tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME

of note here when smbclient is ran with -d8 is that it says session setup OK ???

Domain=[HOME] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.9-1.3E.2]
session setup ok
write_socket(4,98) wrote 98
tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME

Other info...
hosts.allow/deny are fine
This is also an NFS exports to our primary backups server (has not been an issue before tho)
Kernel: 2.4.21-27.0.2.EL
Last Mod time on smb.conf - month ago, known to be working a week ago, the machine lost power, when it came up it still worked, had uptime since then.

This machine is mainly used for group shares so the backups server has smb on it for a tad whilst we sort this out and the NFS shares allow access to it, but we dont want it to be this way, kind of defeats the purpose of a file server dpoesnt it :) .... so any suggestions muchly appreciated


-- Cheers Res -- To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba

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