Ok, it seems to be an LDAP problem. for some reason linux isnt reading the
ldap groups, even though /etc/nsswitch.conf states groups = files ldap
Here is my problem:

I ran smbldap-groupadd TEST to create the group test. I then ran:
smbldap-groupmod -m gerrym,briang TEST to add gerrym (me) and briang to
that group. I next created a test linux directory called TESTDIR to check
permisions. I changed the ownership to briang.TEST TESTDR (chown
briang.TEST ./TESTDIR). I then changed directory permisions to 770 (user
and group have read,write,and execute). I then logged in as my self
(gerrym) and tried to access that directory and I am unable to. The
directory permisions should allow me in w/full control as I am in the
group TEST. I run getent group|grep TEST and verify I am a member of that
group and I am. I then checked /etc/nsswitch.conf and it shows:
group:      files ldap

Just wondering why it will not let me in that directory if permisions are
right? I used IDEALX's smb-ldap script 1.2. Any help or suggestions would be
appreciated. THANKS!

> I have a share access question for you. I have been running Samba 2.2.7 as
> a PDC on my RH7.2 box for several years now. I just setup a new PDC
> running Samba 3.0.10 on a FC3 box. I used to control read-write acces to
> shares via samba like:
> [TRData]
>         path = /tr/TRData
>         valid users = administrator,@IT,@fl,@tx,@eu,@ca,@ny,@wa,@uk
>         write list = administrator,@IT,@FLTR
>         force group = FLTR
>         read only = no
>         create mask = 0777
>         directory mask = 0777
> That would work fine when I was running Samba 2.2.7, but now it doesnt
> work with Samba 3.0.10. What can I enter to my new smb.conf (3.0.10) to
> get the shares to behave like they did when I ran 2.2.7?
> Thanks in advance!!!

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