> Hello!
> i have some problems with my SuSE 9.2  and the samba
> ports: if the xp client wants to loggin in samba domain, I
> get the message at the  announcement - usersettings: the
> servercopy of the serverstored profile was  not found. No
> saving of the changed profile -. After the loggin there
> are no more problems  with the xp client in samba. After
> googling I collimated the ports in the  SuSE Firewall:
> 137:139 445. But the same error message as before. If I 
> shutdown the firewall, there isn't this errormessage.
> Which ports have I to  configure in the firewall?
> Best regards
> Andreas 
This works for me:
Yast > System > /etc/sysconfig editor
network > firewall > SuSEfirewall2

SuseFW2 changes for Samba:
fw_services_ext_tcp = 137 138 139 445
fw_services_ext_udp = 137 138
fw_allow_incoming_highports_tcp = 137 445
fw_allow_incoming_highports_udp = 137 445
fw_allow_fw_broadcast = yes
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