Deryck Hodge wrote:

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Eric Hines wrote:


Thanks for your response. I got the version from as a tar.gz
file, which turned out to be source code. I did install from source. Where can I get an rpm package for this version? Alternatively (for my
longer term benefit), how do I a) get FC3 to look at/use the upgrade
version in the samba team's directory structure, or b) install the
upgrade version into FC3's directory structure?


Eric Hines


You can specify a different directory structure when using configure. Run
"./configure --help" to see the options.
Running "./configure --help | grep dir" produced the following:

While this is all fine and good, it still doesn't fix the problem I was addressing, that being source code installs on a RPM based system can cause havoc if you aren't adept at keeping things straight. Not to be demeaning to Eric, but the OP here isn't savvy (yet ;) ) on where things should be to fix the system when things break, hence the post here.

Eric, to answer your questsons
a) simple really, build an RPM that has been built to RH/Fedora's organization.
b) see answer a.

To build a rpm to these specs, you have 3 real choices. One of them I outlined in my response, which is to run the script, which I think you need to add u+x permissions to before it will run.

Option 2 is to grab a src.rpm and build that way. This is a long description, but it's pretty easy. If you download and install that, you will get the sources installed in a way that you can build from them in RHs directory structure. To build the rpm files, you go to /usr/src/redhat/SPECS and execute 'rpmbuild -bb samba.spec' which will then go nuts building, provided you have any dependancies installed, it will complain if you don't. If it does complain, install any packages it is asking for. Once it exits (hopefully with a 0 result) you will have packages built in /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 (assuming that you're running an x86-32 arch). Install all the samba packages without the -debug in the name. I'm sure there's an option to disable debug builds, but I don't know it off hand.

- note that you have to have a few deve packages installed to just get started here, like rpmbuild (I think, it used to be named that) and maybe some other stuff. Try to run rpmbuild bare and see if it runs, if not start to install that and put in whatever it asks for. If you aren't sure how to do that, go to your install disk's rpm directory and run rpm -ivh <package_file_name>.rpm. I realize now that you may not be that fluent at installing rpm files, that command right there is one you could end up using a lot in this step. You can install several packages at once by just adding more filenames at the end.

Option 3 is to find a binary packaged RPM file someplace. You're on your own there, I usually do step 2 if things aren't available in my yum paths.

Hope that helps.

Paul Gienger                    Office: 701-281-1884
Applied Engineering Inc.
Systems Architect               Fax:    701-281-1322
URL:       mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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