no, it doesnt work :( i tested it with:

samba-3.0.11-acl (still broken, fails after some try's to save an excel file)
samba-3.0.13-acl (still broken, same behavior )
samba-3.0.13-noacl (seems to work)

always the same violation error thing in excel with acl's and filetimes param.

cheers tom

On Mar 29, 2005, at 20:36 Uhr, Jeremy Allison wrote:

On Tue, Mar 29, 2005 at 07:45:53AM -0500, Nathan Vidican wrote:

No confirmation over here, havn't had a chance to compile a new copy -
rolled back to 3.0.8 for the time being it's been less buggy but still have
occasional file(s) locking up.

A little unclear here, do I need to add a patch to 3.0.13 before compiling,
or simply add 'dos filetime = yes' to the configuration?

Lastly, does it matter if I'm not using ACL's? Just using plain old UNIX
permissions (750/660 dir/file) and the force-group parameter for most
shares - which works quite well thus far.

No, you don't need to add a patch. Simply setting dos filetimes should do it.

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