søn, 01.05.2005 kl. 12.18 skrev Ørjan_Pettersen:

> I have three machines, from witch I browse a samba share.
> The problem is that if I create a cataloge with a norwegian letter(Æ, Ø, 
> Å) in it, the only machine that can show this correct it sthe machine 
> that created the cataloge. The other machines don't show this correct. 
> The letters get swapped out with either underscore or some other funny 
> looking letters, depending on witch machine created the cataloge.
> The three machines is,
> the samba server itself, running ArchLinux
> a workstation, running ArchLinux
> and another workstation, running Windows XP
> The software is up to date.
> Does someone have an idea what the problem might be, and how to fix it?

I have to be able to use Norwegian letters, can, see/write them both in
Windows and on TTY and pts CLIs.

Make sure you have:

display charset = ISO-8859-1 (or -15 if you want to write EURO signs)
dos charset = 850

in [global].

If you don't have anything for "unix charset", you'll get UTF-8, which
is what you need.



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