man, 02.05.2005 kl. 07.07 skrev taso:

> > I am following Chapter 6 of Samba-3 By Example to set up Samba on
> > a Fedora 3 box. It seems to go Ok until page 144 step 5.
> > 
> > # net getlocalsid
> > [2005/05/02 00:22:04, 0] lib/smbldap.c:smbldap_search_suffix(1155)
> >   smbldap_search_suffix: Problem during the LDAP search:  (No such object)
> > SID for domain SIROCCO is: S-1-5-21- etc
> > 
> > 
> The smbldap_search_suffix: error went away when I added the following entries
> to LDAP directory.
> dn: dc=esands,dc=com
> objectclass: dcObject
> objectclass: organization
> o: ESS
> dc: esands
> dn: cn=Manager,dc=esands,dc=com
> objectclass: organizationalRole
> cn: Manager
> shows how to do the above.
> Now "net getlocalsid sirocco" produces the same SID as "net getlocalsid 
> esands",
> ie the same SID for both the host (PDC) and the domain. Can anybody confirm 
> that it's
> supposed to be like that?

There is no such command as "net getlocalsid user". What you're seeing
in both cases is the output of "net getlocalsid". 'man net', search for


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