hi list,

we recently saw the following weird behaviour on samba v3.0.13 with MacOSX panther and tiger as clients


path = /data
valid users = @admins
force user = administrator
inherit permissions = yes
force create mode = 770
force directory mode = 2770

path = /data/folder
valid users = @noadmins
force user = administrator
inherit permissions = yes
force create mode = 770
force directory mode = 2770


/data           administrator.admins            rwxrwsr-x
/data/folder    administrator.noadmins          rwxrws---

members of @admins are also members of @noadmins


if you connect from MaxOSX (smb/cifs) to share2 and create a file the file looks like

/data/folder/new.txt    administrator.noadmins          rwxrwx---

if you connect now from MaxOSX (smb/cifs) to share1 and create a file in /data/folder the file looks like

/data/folder/new2.txt   administrator.*admins*          rwxrwx---

even if you modify new.txt and save it it gets this group change (noadmins->admins) - so nobody from noadmins is able to modify those files anymore :(

we were able to reproduce this on a windows NT fileserver in the same setup (of course with equivalent NTFS/share rights)

if you follow this procedure with a windows client everything looks like it should:

all files/dirs in /data/folder/ get rwxrwx--- (or rwxrws--- for dirs) and administrator.noadmins as the owners

can you help us? could you please try to reproduce this?
we have to use minimum acls because we use netatalk also which doesn't understand ext. acls!

thx in advance

Michael Gasch
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Department of Human Evolution
Deutscher Platz 6
D-04103 Leipzig

Phone: 49 (0)341 - 3550 137
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