I have Gentoo with 2.4.29 kernel installed on a 1.0Ghz Celeron. I patched the kernel for extended attributes and acl support. I compiled samba with acl, kerberos and ldap support. I am now trying to join my Windows 2000 domain.

smb.conf (cleansed):
        realm = SOMEDOMAIN
        workgroup = SOMEDOMAIN
        security = domain
        password server =
        security = ADS
        encrypt passwords = yes
        winbind uid = 10000-65000
        winbind gid = 10000-65000
        winbind enum users = yes
        winbind enum groups = yes

        comment = My Comment Here
        path = /somefolder
        public = no
        writable = yes
        create mask = 0700
        directory mask = 0700
        directory security mask = 0700
        admin users = PROD\????????

I issed the following command, with these results:

hebe root # net ads join -U btimby
btimby's password:

And in my syslog:

hebe root # tail -n 2 /var/log/messages
May 25 08:39:58 hebe __alloc_pages: 0-order allocation failed (gfp=0x1d2/0)
May 25 08:39:59 hebe VM: killing process net

Funny that it seems ALL my memory gets used up!

hebe root # vmstat -s
       256812  total memory
        27520  used memory
         2192  active memory
         5624  inactive memory
       229292  free memory
          700  buffer memory
         5488  swap cache
      1028128  total swap
         4304  used swap
      1023824  free swap
       414645 non-nice user cpu ticks
            0 nice user cpu ticks
       113415 system cpu ticks
      7609360 idle cpu ticks
            0 IO-wait cpu ticks
            0 IRQ cpu ticks
            0 softirq cpu ticks
       351571 pages paged in
      5751832 pages paged out
         3576 pages swapped in
      1283260 pages swapped out
      8515319 interrupts


hebe root # vmstat -s
       256812  total memory
       253404  used memory
          484  active memory
         2428  inactive memory
         3408  free memory
          264  buffer memory
         1328  swap cache
      1028128  total swap
       921176  used swap
       106952  free swap
       416043 non-nice user cpu ticks
            0 nice user cpu ticks
       114325 system cpu ticks
      7612061 idle cpu ticks
            0 IO-wait cpu ticks
            0 IRQ cpu ticks
            0 softirq cpu ticks
       380787 pages paged in
      6669008 pages paged out
         4294 pages swapped in
      1512549 pages swapped out
      8538630 interrupts

Any ideas?

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