tir, 14.06.2005 kl. 22.57 skrev Jason Signalness:


> The files /usr/lib/libldap.so and /usr/include/ldap.h ARE PRESENT and
> /usr/lib is in my LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  These are not the libraries/headers
> from OpenLDAP, but rather from Solaris.  Is this a problem?

This is indeed a problem. You need the OpenLDAP libraries and headers. I
don't know if they're available for Solaris in pkg form, but the source
installs out of the box into /usr/local, so shouldn't conflict with the
Solaris stuff. smbd only needs them for client operations; it shouldn't
matter what LDAP server you use (as long as the schema is included, of

> Also, a truss on an execution of the resulting smbd indicates that smbd
> is looking for /opt/btifs/samba/lib/pdb/ldapsam.so, which is NOT there.

I don't have an ldapsam.so anywhere on my RHAS3 Linux machine. 



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