try setting the following in your smb.conf file - it made
wbinfo behave for me

client schannel = No

Kyle Johnson wrote:
Joseph Preston Schmigel (RIT Student) wrote:

I recently changed from Windows 2000 native active directory mode to
Windows 2003  active directory mode.  When I did that, users could no
long connect to any of the Samba shares.  They were prompted for a
username and password.  The following error was logged in the winbind

[2005/06/22 14:38:46, 1]
 user 'John' does not exist

The user John does exist in the active directory.  I ran getent passwd
to see if the user John was listed and indeed he was.  I then tried
accessing the share again and it worked fine.  A little bit later, it
stopped working again.  I found out that by running getent passwd,
shares are accessaable for a short period of time but then the users
are not found again by Samba until I run getent passwd again.

Version Info:
krb5: 1.2.7
samba: 3.0.9

       workgroup = 40SERVER1
       realm =
       password server =
       server string =
       security = ADS
       encrypt passwords = yes
       log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
       dns proxy = no
       wins server =
       idmap uid = 10000-20000
       idmap gid = 10000-20000
       winbind separator = #

I appreciate any help.  Thank you.

I have the same problem. I have a Windows 2003 ADS as well. I run getent passwd every minute from a cron job. It works OK .

RHEL 4 ES  64bit
samba 3.0.10-1.4E
krb5 1.3.4-12


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